Dark Polygel 06 30ml
Dark Polygel 06 30ml
DARK POLYGEL is a material that combines gel and acrylic systems. The main feature is that polygel has the consistency of plasticine, does not flow and does not dry without a special lamp. It is used to strengthen, extend, repair and restore the shape of nails.
- convenient not solid consistency;
- do not flow and do not clog the brush;
- not sticky to the brush;
- do not clog the cutters, easy to file;
- not fragile, do not break at the corners and withstand any length;
- with proper preparation, they do not peel off;
- can be used with both lower and upper forms.
1. Manicure, buff, degrease the nail, apply Ultrabond and Dehydrator;
2. Apply a thin layer substrate of the transparent SCOTCH BASE COAT with rubbing movements, dry for 60 seconds;
3. Remove the sticky layer from the base coat for a more comfortable application;
4. Repair, strengthen or build-up with the help of DARK POLYGEL (we recommend rough laying with an orange stick);
5. Dry; polymerization time is 60-90 seconds at 48 W, pressed for 8-12 seconds;
6. Remove the sticky layer and file. If you are strengthening your nails, be sure to file the nail at least 1 mm from the inside so that there are no peeling from the free edge;
7. Apply the top coat, dry for 90 seconds.
Volume: 30 ml.